DAG Talk series: Valentin Hartmann

Ever wondered what happens during a PhD? Unsure about your next career steps? Interested in academia but have many questions? 

We have created the DAG Talk series - a new “AI in Academia” talk series - to answer all of your questions and show you the world of data science in academia and research. This is the opportunity to interact first-hand with people in the field! 

In our first installment, we have invited Babak Rahmani, a PhD in electrical engineering. He presented his work on machine learning algorithms to characterize diverse physical systems!

Since its invention in 2006, differential privacy has become the de-facto standard for releasing information about a population while protecting information about individuals. It has not only found its way into companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Apple but is also used by government agencies such as the U.S. Census Bureau.

In this talk, Valentin Hartmann gave an introduction to the concept of differential privacy. He further described the most important building blocks for constructing differentially private data analysis and machine learning algorithms. 

Check out the recording below!